Jen’s chapbook She Says, a collection of short stories, is available now from Harbor Editions/Small Harbor Publishing! Her graphic nonfiction chapbook False Alarm will be published this Spring by GreenTower Press, and her full-length story collection Real California Living is forthcoming from Braddock Avenue Books in summer 2025.


Jennifer Murvin is a writer, professor, and owner of the independent bookstore Pagination Bookshop. Her chapbook She Says is available now from Small Harbor Publishing, her nonfiction graphic narrative chapbook is forthcoming from GreenTower Press in Spring 2025, and her collection Real California Living is forthcoming from Braddock Avenue Books in 2025. Her essays, stories, and graphic narrative have appeared in Fourth Genre (Winner of the 2024 Multimedia Essay Prize), CRAFT, Hayden’s Ferry Review, Longleaf Review, the anthology And If That Mockingbird Don’t Sing: Parenting Stories Gone Speculative (Alternating Current Press), River StyxThe Southampton ReviewThe Pinch, Anomaly, december magazineDIAGRAM, The Florida ReviewCatamaran Literary Reader, Indiana Review, CutBank, Post RoadAmerican Short Fiction (2015 - Winner of the American Short(er) Ficton Contest, judged by Stuart Dybek), Phoebe, The Sun, Mid-American ReviewMidwestern GothicBellingham ReviewCincinnati ReviewBaltimore ReviewHuizache, and other literary journals. Jen Murvin has also published several comic books for children, including the series Chickasaw AdventuresStories of the Saints, and McGraw-Hill's World History Ink

Jen is an Assistant Professor of English at Missouri State University (2009-present), where she teaches creative writing in the areas of fiction, nonfiction, graphic narrative, form and theory of prose, literary publication, and literature. She is also a faculty member at the Solstice Low-Residency MFA in Creative Writing. She teaches for the nonprofit community writing workshop River Pretty Writers Retreat held twice annually in Tecumseh, Missouri. Jen holds an MA in English from Missouri State University and an MFA in Creative Writing from Pacific University in Forest Grove, Oregon.

Jennifer Murvin is available as a visiting writer for readings, craft talks, and workshops. Her genres include fiction, nonfiction, and graphic narrative. She has been a visiting writer to several universities, high school arts programs, and community writing groups/arts organizations.

Jennifer Murvin Writer Author Professor Pagination Bookshop